Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is Gratitude the Answer?

I recently read a book by Ann Voskamp called "One Thousand Gifts". A very good, Christian book. I just happened upon it during one of my visits to the library (the kind of visit where I leave the kids home so I can have some quite moments to put myself together again). I really think Heavenly Father wanted me to read this. He knows me so well and knew that I needed to become aware of the power of gratitude. While reading this book I really felt changed - my days were the same as ever, my problems still there, but I was so much happier and GRATEFUL for my life. Even for our trials and the situations we are in. Through gratitude I was opened up to understanding, and caught glimpses of the lessons we are learning and the strength we are gaining. For almost 2 whole weeks every journal entry began with "Today was such a great day!", or something similar.

I finished the book, thinking I would start my own gratitude list, or take some action to help me remember and use this new blessing of happiness. But then I forgot, and let "life" wash over me again. I did start a list, but the effort was half hearted and it's never easily accessible. I'll have to devise something more tailored for me, because I want this - Gratitude - to be a part of me. I am so DONE with my negativity and pessimism! I don't need that, my family doesn't need that! Awhile ago I was trying to figure some things out about what I want for my family, what I want to teach them and what Heavenly Father would have me teach them. I wrote out three things and they seem as wonderfully true to me now as they did months ago.
I want to teach my children to:

One - Love life and the Gospel

Two - Celebrate life and the Gospel

Three - Be active in life and the Gospel

These three things do not require money, prestige, or any special circumstance. But I am realizing that they all require gratitude and are even an expression of gratitude. When I was experiencing a more grateful heart it was so much easier for me to feel and fulfill those three goals. And truly amazing, with an attitude of gratitude my faith increased, my hope increased, and even my love and charity towards others increased! The pure love of Christ! Any life filled with that is a full life. Joy and Gladness!

I came across the authors' website and watched this little video. Pretty sure the words are straight from the book, and it has sparked this revival of gratitude in my life that I am in turn sharing with you.


K.E.N said...

Something I started doing when I was in college that Oprah suggested was to start a gratitude journal and every day just write down 10 things you were grateful for that day. I did this for about a year and it really helped me get a more positive outlook. It's simple and easy to do daily.

Joellen said...

Jamie, I want to go and read this now! Thanks for sharing. I often feel that I have too many negative moments too, I feel like I am always complaining about something... I try so hard to try and stay up, but it is hard!