Sunday, April 10, 2011

"We have to decide what is important and then move along"

"We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have
to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is
comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying
to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are."
Marjorie Pay Hinckley
I feel like a how a caterpillar must feel when it is turning into a butterfly. I think it was happy being a caterpillar, eating and crawling and munching. But it soon felt the need for more, like it needed to be different, better. And there is a perfect plan for this caterpillar to change and become something more. It follows that plan and ends up in a cocoon. It's in there for a long time, and it must be uncomfortable, and maybe even painful. Does the caterpillar ever wish it had just stayed a caterpillar? Does it wonder if the change is worth it? Is it worried about what other bugs will think of it? It has to stay there, all wrapped up, to the very end. There is no backing out of this metamorphosis.
I'm in my 'cocoon'. Feeling like the Lord is molding and changing me. My wants and desires for myself and my family need to be His wants and desires for myself and my family. My testimony has always been such where I said I would go and do all that the Lord required of me. But I feel like I am finally putting that faith into action. I'm finally beginning to let go of my 'caterpillar' self. Every now and then I panic and want to go back, because forward seems hard and different. But it's also beautiful. I'll wait it out. I'll be uncomfortable but I decide to change. I might even worry what other people might think of me, but my Saviors opinion matters most.
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever reach the "end" and come out a perfectly delicate and beautiful butterfly. I will! We all will! There is a perfect plan for each of us, and I'm not just talking "scriptures, and prayers, and going to church". But through personal revelation Heavenly Father will let us know what to learn and do in our individual lives, our individual families. So, what am I getting at? My own personal revelation.

We are going to Home school our children.

1 comment:

Olives and Pickles said...

Like your blog!beautiful kids..