Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Officialness of it all

Well, it's officially December. Which officially means that time will "speed up" until it is officially Christmas, and then officially the new year! Can 2009 really be so close to an end?!! Yes, officially, it can. And I'm not sad about it. :)

Right now I'm looking forward to Christmas, with or (more likely) without presents. In fact I'm enjoying Christmas already. Twinkle lights are great! My husband and son were so cute and decorated the tree this year. I'm usually OCD about putting the ornaments in 'just the right spot', but this year I really enjoyed just watching them do their thing. And it turned out great! However, it has undergone some rearranging every day since then. As our little boy grabs the things he can reach we relocate them closer to the top. It still looks pretty good, but if this keeps up we might have a fallen tree on Christmas day!

In other news, I am officially OUT of Primary. I have been called as the Personal Progress leader for the Young Women. I never knew there was such a calling and the "job description" for it is very, very vague. But I'm happy about it! Getting to know the girls is proving to be difficult but I have some ideas that will hopefully help. Besides, I really feel like this calling is more for my benefit than for the girls. It gets me out of the house more often, and thinking about things that are so totally different from my daily routine is great. I was a little shocked when they asked me to be in charge of New Beginnings, but I'm excited about it now! If anyone has some good ideas for it I would greatly appreciate them! :)

I have also officially started thinking about my New Years Resolutions and I'm hoping to break away from my normal list (exercise, eat know the drill). That's all I'll say about that right now.

I hope everyone is feeling the "Christmas Spirit" already! Family and friends, twinkle lights and gingerbread, Baby Jesus and His love for us. What great times!

1 comment:

Woolfvision said...

I think the Mom and Baby will get presents under the tree. Dad gets the digital games :D