Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Simple Study

As a mother of little kids their are some things that are just hard to do.
 Get a good nights sleep? Not often.
Have the floors clear for more than 5 minutes? Rare.
Have a half hour of quiet time to devote to gospel study? Nope.

If your kids sleep until 7a.m. maybe you have a better window of opportunity to wake up a little earlier for some study time. I have early risers though and waking up before them is not possible. But I have also found that it's not possible for me to go through life without a consistent dose of scripture and gospel topics. It helps me remember what is really important while children are screaming and the place seems to be falling apart despite my best efforts.

Before Thomas was born I found a routine that really worked for me and the kids. They would watch a little PBS show while I spent 5 minutes reading from the scriptures, and then 5 minutes reading from the General Conference edition of the Ensign. These minutes would include underlining, making notes, or just pondering. So really, not much reading was done in one sitting. But it was very effective for me.

Now, with three kids, it's taking me awhile to find a new routine that works for everyone. Most days I'm happy if I can read a few verses of scripture, just something to lean on when I need extra help. But I'm excited to start reading through the Conference talks again. A little bit at a time, doesn't seem like much but it's so important, and makes a big difference in me.


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