Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Me at 30....

I turned 30 on the 17th. Pretty much I look the same! My sister in law was so good to give me a birthday haircut and she did an awesome job! It's taken me awhile to get used to short hair again but I like what it's teaching me. The main thing being that I need to spend some time on myself. It's quick to fix, but really does NEED the fixing! So, I'm finally learning to do my hair! Nothing fancy yet but I'm getting there, I even bought a flat iron! (because my hair isn't straight enough - ha!). 

But really, 30. My main concern has been my physical appearance - thus the haircut. I've also been buying some clothes here and there because I haven't put any thought into my wardrobe for over 7 years - it's about time! And the big b-day present I picked out was exercise DVDs! I'm basically tired of being fat and frumpy. So here's to a year of getting fit and healthy (and well dressed) for the rest of my life!

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