Friday, December 7, 2012

Getting Used to Things

It's been 6 weeks since sweet Thomas joined our family, and we couldn't be happier!

And we are slowly getting used to the other stuff that comes with that happiness. The main one for me is lack of sleep. 6 weeks of waking up every 2 hours (or less) at night is taking it's toll. I think I'm past the grouchy phase and moving into the "can't-concentrate-or-function-properly" phase. He's in another growth spurt right now, so I think things will be better once we get through it. His little midnight smiles keep me going and I can't help but think how blessed I am to be able to care for this little guy!

The kids are loving their little brother too. Thankfully we haven't had to deal with jealousy or angry feelings that sometimes come with new family members. We do have to remind them to be careful when they play with him, but they are learning and really having fun with him - especially now that he smiles more, coos and does a happy little dance when he gets their attention. I'm pretty sure I have the best kids in the world!

Another thing we're getting used to is almost total disarray. John and Evelyn have been so good about playing together and entertaining themselves while I take care of baby, but that means the place is pretty much wrecked all the time. I try not to go in their room if I can help it! In order to stay somewhat sane I have to have a clean kitchen so I've made that a priority whenever I can. We finally got some Christmas stuff out the other day and we might get our "tree" today. With such little space we really have to get creative in finding solutions...or we just live with it, which can get very frustrating!

Also, I'm re-learning things like, not trying to do too much. Mostly I get the kids fed and maybe start some laundry. I feel triumphant when I get a shower! I go through moments of despair, thinking I'm not getting "anything" done, but right now I'm content with it, and even amazed at the healing and energy I've been blessed with. I tend to see "negative" more easily, but have been trying to focus on the positive and it helps allot. We really have so much to enjoy and be thankful for.

6 weeks! Give us some more time and we might have our life a little more organized. Right now we'll just enjoy our slow creep toward a new normal. 

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